scary man(1)Brassia was born in 1899 and died in 1984. He became known for his photographs of Paris nightlife in the 1930s. Images of the Eiffel Tower is some of his best work. Brassai captured the essence of the city in his photographs, published as his first collection in the 1933 book entitled Paris de nuit (Paris by Night). He has traveled to many places around the world like: Romania, Paris, Budapest, and Berlin to take pictures for his work. Brassia’s 56-265841-paris-exposition-universelle(1)education consisted of studying paintings and sculptures at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest. Some of his works that have became my most favorite are the ones capturing the Eiffel Tower at night. They are so beautiful with how he positions the camera to catch the light bouncing off the tower. His pictures are truly a work of art.